LMAs – who does what?
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them.Acts 4:32-34a
LMA Chair
- The LMA Chair shall be a lay person elected by the LMAC.
- The LMA Chair shall work and LMAD in preparing for LMAC meetings, working with the LMA Dean and LMAS in setting agendas.
- The LMA Chair shall endeavour to enable all active members of the LMAC to have equal opportunities for participation, by managing said meeting skilfully, thoughtfully and without bias in accordance with the Constitution of the Church in Wales.
- The LMA Chair shall normally chair all meetings of the LMAC, there shall normally be at least 4 meetings of the LMA Council per annum
- The LMA Chair shall guide the momentum of the meeting enabling items of mission, evangelism, business and other items deemed necessary for discussion to be debated and as a result actioned, with a view to review.
- In the event of any tied vote the LMA Chair shall have a second and casting vote.
- The LMA Chair shall normally be responsible for the interpretation of the Standing Orders of the LMAC
- The LMA Chair shall chair the LMA Executive or standing committee.
- The LMA Chair shall be an Ex-Officio member of all Church Committees within the LMA.
- The LMA Chair shall sit on the Buildings and Finance sub-committee.
- The LMA Chair shall with the LMAD and other officers normally be a conduit of communication between the LMA and the Diocese.
LMA Treasurer
- Shall be appointed by the LMA Council (LMAC) and be a member of the LMAC.
- The LMA Treasurer (LMAT) shall manage a Central Fund for the payment of Clergy Expenses (if decided by the LMA Council), Office Costs and day-to-day running expenses of the LMA under the guidance of the LMAC. (The signatories for this account shall be the LMA Council Chair, the LMA Dean, the LMA Council Treasurer, the LMA Council Secretary and the LMA Wardens. Any 2 signatures shall be acceptable)
- In accordance with the Constitution of the Church in Wales, the LMAT shall help produce a budget each year which they shall submit to the LMA Council for ratification.
- The LMAT shall be a member of the LMA Buildings & Finance Committee.
- Copies of all financial accounts held by Church Councils (CC) shall be submitted to the LMA Council Treasurer for inclusion in the consolidated accounts for the United Benefice (LMA) in accordance with Charity law.
- The LMAT shall usually consolidate information from the CCs in relation to Gift Aid and make an application on behalf of the LMA as negotiated by the LMAC. The LMA Council may decide to appoint an LMA Gift Aid Secretary. (This is currently awaiting guidance from Counsel)
- The LMAT shall support and advise the LMAC on matters of LMAC finance.
- The LMAT shall normally be the main point of contact between the Diocesan Office and the LMA in relation to financial matters
LMA Secretary
- The LMA Secretary Shall be appointed by the LMA Council (LMAC) and be a member of the LMAC, which shall meet a minimum of four times annually
- The LMA Secretary (LMAS) shall sit on the LMA Executive or standing committee.
- The LMAS shall sit on the Buildings and Finance Committee, or else nominate a minute secretary from amongst the committee to ensure recording of meetings as per the Constitution of the Church in Wales, and the sharing of information to LMAC, members and officers.
- The LMAS shall ensure effective documentation of minutes of the LMAC and all other agreed sub committees and management of sharing of said information, agendas for meetings.
- The LMAS shall normally be the first point of contact for diocesan or provincial communications to the LMAC, members and officers.
- The LMAS shall work with the LMA Clergy, Wardens and other officers to consolidate all annual returns information (non-financial) from the CCs and complete the return documentation (by hardcopy or online) in accordance with the requirements of the Diocesan Conference (usually via the Diocesan Office) and/or the Constitution of the Church in Wales and Parochial Administration Guidelines (usually via the Representative Body).
LMA Dean’s Warden
- The LMA Dean’s warden (LMADW) shall be nominated by the LMA Dean following consultation with the other LMA Clergy.
- The LMADW shall sit on the LMAC, which shall meet a minimum of four times annually
- The LMADW shall support the LMA Dean in their position of gentle oversight, the LMA Chair and LMAC in the development of the LMA.
- The LMADW shall represent the other wardens in the LMA at the Standing Committee and elsewhere as required.
- The LMADW shall be an ex-officio member of all church committees within the LMA.
- The LMADW shall sit on the Buildings and finance sub-committee.
- The LMADW shall work with the other Wardens in the LMA to carry out the functions and responsibilities of Church Warden as defined in the Constitution of the Church in Wales.
- The LMADW will carry out any other necessary tasks as agreed with the LMA Dean or LMAC in the support and development of the LMA.
LMA Peoples’ Warden
- The LMA Peoples’ warden (LMAPW) shall be elected by the LMAC AGM.
- The LMAPW shall sit on the LMAC, which shall meet a minimum of four times annually.
- The LMAPW shall support the LMA Dean in their position of gentle oversight, the LMA Chair and LMAC in the development of the LMA.
- The LMAPW shall represent the other wardens in the LMA at the Standing Committee and elsewhere as required.
- The LMAPW shall be an ex-officio member of all church committees within the LMA.
- The LMAPW shall sit on the Buildings and finance sub-committee.
- The LMAPW shall work with the other Wardens in the LMA to carry out the functions and responsibilities of Church Warden as defined in the Constitution of the Church in Wales.
- The LMAPW will carry out any other necessary tasks as agreed with the LMA Dean or LMAC in the support and development of the LMA.