Ordeiniadau 2024
Roedd un Offeiriad a phum Diacon yn cael eu hordeinio yn seremoni draddodiadol Gŵyl Bedr yn Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi ddydd Sadwrn 29 Mehefin.
Gweddïwch dros bob un ohonynt, eu teuluoedd a'r cymunedau y byddant yn eu gwasanaethu.
- Nicola Davies Title: NSM(L) Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Roose
- Liz Jones Title: Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Bro Caerfyrddin
- Dr Romola Parish Title: NSM(L) Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Dyffryn Teifi
- Luke Spencer Title: 0.5 House for Duty Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Daugleddau & Chaplain to Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi VA.
- Sally Williams Title: NSM(L) Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Daugleddau Offeiriaid
- Revd. Sarah Llewellyn Title: Stipendiary Assistant Curate in the LMA and United Benefice of Bro Sanclêr