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Diocesan Grants

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Normally, the routine maintenance of a church building is the proper responsibility of the LMA. But there are obviously occasions when outside help is needed – not only advice but also financial assistance.GrantFinder provides access to over 8000 sources of funding for a wide range of projects that could help maintain, refurbish, re-order or even extend your church premises. It can also assist with funds for church groups.The diocese has access to this via a provincial scheme that provides a greater number of potential options than most search engines.Before considering any work on your church or churchyard you should consult your archdeacon, who may steer you towards help available.When exploring this avenue, please bear in mind that there are two application forms for grants: one is concerned with church buildings and the other with projects which do not normally involve the buildings themselves.Don’t forget that any proposal for repairs or modifications in churches or churchyards requires a faculty: further information is available on the main DAC page.General GrantsGrants of up to £3000 are available to LMAs, churches and individuals to support projects that encourage mission. and promote growth in numbers, growth in spirituality and outreach to local communities. These grants are not for building, restoration or improvement works.Applications must have the support of the Archdeacon and the LMA Council. All grants must be claimed within 12 months of the project start date.Applications are considered throughout the year on a quarterly basis. Applications must be submitted at least ten days before the next Grants Committee meeting. In 2024, these are:April 23rdSeptember 24thNovember 5thRead the Grant Criteria in fullChurch repair grantsThe diocese has taken over responsibility for Church Repair Grants previously administered by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales.Download: Church repair grants application form (Word)Up to £7,500 is available for:Repairs to the fabric of a church excluding stained glass or decoration unless such works represent less than 10% of a major repair project.Works to improve safety and accessibilityExtensions or major reorderingNew churchesNB> The maximum amount will only be awarded where it can be shown that the works will help the church towards reaching a net zero target.Local Ministry Area Facilitation FundLMAs are eligible for a one-off £800 grant towards a range of different development projects. These include:Team building coursesAway Days and RetreatsLeadership trainingWebsite set-up costsApplication Form (Word)Children, Youth and Family GrantsThe grant is open to all LMAs, Centres of Mission, Plant Dewi projects and Church Schools.2 How much is the grant?Grants are restricted to a maximum of £1000.3 What sort of Initiatives/Projects can be funded with this grant?What can be funded:New initiatives such as Messy Church, Café Praise, Toddler Groups, Youth GroupsExisting CYF Projects requiring continued fundingInitiatives/Projects which encourage EcumenismTraining for those leading/facilitating e.g. Godly Play, Open the BookTraining & equipping young new leadersAny other project falling within the listed ones above, but not directly may be considered but it is not a non-exhaustive list.What can’t be funded:Employment of StaffFabric of a building e.g. a creating Children’s corner in a church or building work4 What criteria will be assessed in making a grant?Fulfilling a local need – trying not to duplicate existing workClear vision for the project/initiativeProjects that allow Children and Young People to use their voices and contribute to the wider community or churchProjects that will make a difference to Children Young people or FamiliesFuture sustainabilityAppropriate Safeguarding practice in placeOther statutory requirements depending on the nature of the work: e.g. Food Hygiene5 Do I need to speak to anyone before applying?Yes, you need to speak to the CYF Missioner in order to ensure that the work you are proposing is in line with the Diocesan Criteria. Please do not send any application forms to the CYF Missioner for checking as it is not her responsibility for this. It is sensible to speak to your LMAC or Trustee/Governing Body as the Chair’s signature will be required.

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