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The Cross of Dorrien

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The new Bishop of St Davids, Dorrien Davies, has taken delivery of his new pectoral cross.The cross, made of silver, has an amethyst at its centre - the traditional stone worn by all Bishops - and is a gift from St Davids Diocese.The Amethyst was one of the twelve gemstones mounted in the Priestly Breastplate, cited in the Book of Exodus. It is associated with peacefulness and spirituality, piety and wisdom and its purple colour is said to symbolise the purifying effects of suffering and allegiance to Christ. It is also used as a symbol of peace and unification and is thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness in those who wear itThe cross was presented officially by the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance, Cllr Hazel Evans, in the days before his consecration service in Bangor Cathedral, during a meeting of the diocesan Standing Committee."This gift is a thank you and congratulations to our new Bishop on behalf of the diocese," Hazel said. "and I hope when he wears it he is assured that the Diocese are all behind him in his Ministry and wish him well."

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