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The Ministry Team co-ordinates and develops all forms of licensed, lay and ordained ministries within the Diocese.VocationIs God calling you to share in a particular ministry?The first step: arrange to meet one of our Vocations AdvisersCo-ordinator: Revd Mark Ansell Email: revmarkansell@btinternet.comFind out moreLMA developmentAs the Diocese moves from Parishes to Local Ministry Areas, the Ministry Area Development Team has been helping to smooth the path from the old to the new.Find out moreFellowship of vocationFoV was established to provide a meeting point for those who feel called by God but are not sure to what.yet wish to explore further.Find out more about FoVLeading worshipWorship Leaders are lay ministers who assist with services in a number of ways – but they are not licensed to preach. So the Ministry Team is publishing weekly Homilies based on the Bible readings for each Sunday, written by those who hold a licence. They are freely available for use in place of a sermon, or simply to help congregations engage with the ScriptureOpportunities for Christian Ministry in the DioceseSee: The Ministry of Christians as a ChurchTheology for lifeTheology for Life is a programme of theological study run by St Padarn’s Institute for the Church in Wales and validated by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. The course helps people to deepen their theological understanding and draw upon the insights of academic study to support the Church. The course also serves as one component of the training for those preparing for Licensed and Ordained ministries. Those training for ministries also must go through a Church in Wales selection process and will need to fulfil other training requirements. The course has inspired some students to explore their own vocation for ministry.Find out more

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