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Appointment of Canon Pastor to St Davids Cathedral

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The Dean of St Davids has expressed delight at the appointment of Rev’d Sheridan Angharad James to St Davids Cathedral in a new post as Canon Pastor for Parish and Pilgrims."Sheridan, a fluent Welsh speaker, is an experienced priest who will be a tremendous asset to Cathedral life, both to our local community, and in the welcome we extend to visitors and pilgrims from near and far’ said the Very Revd Dr Sarah Rowland Jones, following the announcement by the Ven Paul Mackness, Archdeacon of St Davids, acting as Commissary for the Bishop of St Davids. ‘It is great to be welcoming her back to Wales – croeso nôl!"‘I am honoured and delighted to be taking up this role as Canon Pastor at St Davids Cathedral’ said Sheridan – also known as Angharad. ‘It is an immense privilege to return to Wales and come to this place of extraordinary natural beauty and spiritual significance, not just for Wales but for the whole world."Sheridan was born in Manchester, to Welsh parents, and grew up in Cardiff. She studied French and English at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, attending St Michael’s Church and Eglwys Santes Fair. After completing her PGCE, she did an MPhil in Performance Poetry also at Aberystwyth, and embarked on a career in publishing. She moved to London in 1998, finally becoming Marketing Manager for Church House Publishing (the official publisher to the Church of England). She then trained for ordination, and was ordained in 2007. Since 2011 she has been the Vicar of St Catherine, Hatcham, a lively, diverse and multi-cultural parish in south-east London. While there she has also been the Episcopal Area Advisor for Women’s Ministry, and is currently the Area Dean of Deptford.Sheridan says ‘I am a city girl with a country heart and I think I will feel very much at home in Pembrokeshire. I look forward to working with the team and congregations at the Cathedral and welcoming pilgrims particularly in such a special anniversary year. I am excited about what God has in store.’ She is a keen musician and singer, and in her spare time likes to cook, sing, watch good films and go on long walks in the company of friends and her Miniature Schnauzer Peggy.Sheridan will be a Canon Residentiary, living at the Archdeaconry in the Cathedral Close, and become a member of the Cathedral Chapter, occupying the Stall of Llandewi Aberarth. She will take up her new role in February 2023.

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