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New Canon for St Davids Cathedral

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The Bishop of St Davids has appointed Revd Mark Ansell as a Canon to join the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral.The Dean, Very Revd Dr Sarah Rowland Jones said, ‘This is an excellent appointment. Revd Mark Ansell is both the Local Ministry Area Dean for Aberystwyth and the Vocations Advisor for the Diocese of St Davids."Mark brings a wealth of experience both in parish ministry, and in nurturing those who are exploring God’s call to ordination or some other role within the church. His particular perspectives will strengthen the role of Chapter as we guide the life of the Cathedral as the Mother Church of our Diocese.’The installation of the new Canon will take place during the 6pm service of Choral Evensong on Thursday 15 September. Dean Sarah says "We hold Mark in our prayers and welcome the prayers of others that together the Dean and Chapter, as our Trustee Body, will be good stewards and servants of the Cathedral in all that God is calling us to be and become."Revd Mark Ansell responded to news of his appointment saying “I am honoured to be appointed to this historic role. I look forward to be able to serve the diocese in this new way as part of the Cathedral’s chapter.”

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