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"A very modest man, who’s faith shined through...

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St Davids Diocese is sad to have to report the death of Peter Campbell, an enthusiastic and dedicated servant of the diocese over many years.Peter served in a number of diocesan roles, notably on the Board of Finance (DBF), initially as a Director, then as Vice-chair and ultimately Chairman.He also chaired the Parsonage Board and was a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Conference.He was also active at parish level., as a Lay Reader, Vice-chair of the PCC and Chair of the parish Finance & Fabric Committee within the Manordeifi Group of Churches.His then parish priest, now Archdeacon of S Davids, Paul Mackness describes Peter as " a faithful servant to his God, family and Church and he will be missed by all who knew him, his contribution to the Diocese as a Chair and Vice Chair of the DBF and Chair of the Parsonage Board cannot be underestimated. He was a dedicated lay minister and Reader who regarded ministry as a privilege, not a right. He was an example of what it means to be a disciple of Christ."Read Archdeacon Paul's obituary in full

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