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Continuing Ministerial Development

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2025 CalendarTuesday 25th March. “Talking about Vocations and Calling” - To be facilitated and delivered by the Senior StaffThursday 19th June. LMA and Charity Governance Issues -Thursday 25th September. Preparing for the Year of Mission (Theology based)It is anticipated that all sessions will be held at Newcastle Emlyn Rugby ClubAll clergy are expected to attend Continuing Ministerial Deveopment sessions. However, if you could not make it, for whatever reason, the videos listed here are abridged versions of some of the most recent:June 2024 - No Politics in the Pulpit? Pursuing the Kingdom without political partisanship (Election '24)June 2024 - No Politics in the Pulpit? How did we get here? (Election '24)February 2024 - Stewardship - Four Years a SaSoFebruary 2024: Stewardship - Addressing MisconceptionsAugust 2023: Children, Youth & FamiliesMarch 2023 Building Effective TeamsOctober 2022 Fraud AwarenessOctober 2022: Combating CybercrimeMay 2022: Unshackling God's Blessing: the Guidance of the Spirit in Christian same-sex relationshipsMarch 2022: Small Steps for a Big Difference: Bringing the Year of Discipleship to life

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