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Children, Youth & Families (CYF)

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English content

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Children, Youth and families work is a huge and important part of the growth of God’s Kingdom within the diocese. Children, Youth and Families has been recognised as the number one priority for the diocese and without a doubt the future of the church here is with our young people. Children, Youth and Families are gifts that need to be nurtured as part of a loving community. They need to know that the church is there and understand the problems that they are facing.

Welsh content

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2025: The Year of Children, Youth & FamiliesThe diocesan Year of Children, Youth & Families started on Advent Sunday 2024 and runs through to Advent 2025..Throughout the year you can expect to see a series of events which can help LMAs engage with children, youth and families across the diocese, resources and support to help you with your own children, youth and families work and regular updates via social media platforms, through Pobl Dewi, the diocesan website and the Children, Youth and Families website and newsletter.There is also a series of videos readily available on the Children, Youth & Families YouTube channel. They include teaching about the basics, like doing risk assessments and how to start groups, through to putting together and planning assemblies, or starting your own Messy Church.Easter - there will be three performances of the Passion by the LAMPS theatre company in Holy Week.In May, a Children’s Festival will tour the diocese and the Youth Pilgrimage will take place in August. The Freedom Festival for the whole church family also happens in August.If you would like to be kept up to date or would like to volunteer, the CYF Newsletter will be sent out monthly from Advent. Please subscribe by visiting There will also be regular postings on social media platforms at or Instagram cyfstdavids. .You can also email or phone 07870 415378.

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The 2025 Youth PilgrimageAugust 4th-8thRevd Sophie Whitmarsh and the Children, Youth and Families Taskforce are pleased to announce the return of the St Davids Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage 2025.This year will include all that we know and love about the pilgrimage, with added extras such as swimming and other sporting activities, as well as BBQs and pizza instead of sandwiches for lunch.A digital version of the forms is available here. forms are also available here: Youth Pilgrimage 2025 Booking FormOnce the forms have been completed, you will be sent a booking confirmation email with details of how payment can be made. Please remember that we do not want money to be a barrier, so contact Revd Sophie or 07870 415378 if payment is likely to be a problem.

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Grants are available to support a wide range of projects benefitting work with children youth and families.Download the Application Form here

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Visit our website for resources, events, activities and more

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Follow this link for everything you need to know about everything via our CYF Padletor scan the QR CodeNewsEventsPartnersGrantsTrainingLinks