Catrin Eldred reports on a new Plant Dewi project
The Plant Dewi Dads Project was established in response to findings that there was little in the way of services specifically to support fathers. The project encourages fathers to meet, support one another, build on their relationships in the home and the community, learn new skills, keep well and participate in practical activities that support their community. The project also offers Dad and Me sessions to provide opportunities for fathers and their children to spend time building relationships and memories together.
In addition to gardening, carpentry/woodwork and other practical sessions, Plant Dewi has established an upcycling and recycling bicycle project. Unwanted or unused cycles, and those that might normally end up in landfill, are donated to the project and then either refurbished or used for spares. Volunteers have the option to exchange the time they invest in the project to receive a bike for themselves or for members of their family.

The project offers opportunities for fathers to socialise, learn practical skills, access cheap sustainable transport and recreational activities for their families, as well as benefiting the environment.
In April and May this year the project has offered some cycling activities which aim to get families back on their bikes enjoying leisure time together, as well as supporting wellbeing and sustainability issues.
We ran a Dr Bike session in May with the support of the local bike shop mechanic and fathers in the project who offered a free mechanical check and simple repairs to get neglected cycles back into use. There was also an opportunity for parents to access cycles that have been upcycled and spare parts for a suggested donation to the charity.
A Bike Bus was also piloted to encourage more children to regularly cycle to school with Dad or Mum. The community event uses a proven model of parents and children cycling in groups to school, with regular stops on the route, so families can join the ‘bus’ to school.
To maintain the momentum, a Tour De Pembroke has been arranged in a local primary school in June. The event, scheduled in the school day, encourages children and parents to get to know the local cycling paths and infrastructure a bit better and use the comprehensive network of paths available to travel locally. Fathers from the project will support the marshalling.
Get in touch with Peter Arnold on 07507687807 to find out more.