NSM(L): Revd Joan Allen

Joan of all Trades
My life is a whirlwind of activity – my weeks look nothing like the original contract I signed! My ministry has been diverse and I have found myself undertaking a lot of outreach ministry. This involves working with the local Primary School, setting up an After School Club for older pupils, setting up a Café Church in Coffee, Cake and Chat sessions, and also establishing a Parent and Toddler Group. I do, of course, also take regular Sunday Services and Occasional Offices as required – and am constantly aware of what a privilege this is. It has been difficult not to lose sight of the ‘L’ aspect of my calling. I do genuinely feel that I am called to work in a particular context and the busyness of ministry often pulls me away from that.
Conversation with colleagues suggests to me that I am as busy as a full-time cleric – and in many respects, carry the same responsibilities. This is not a problem, though I do sometimes wish that I could have more time to focus on specific aspects of ministry and mission. There are, of course, some practical disadvantages to being NSM(L). I do not live ‘on the job’ and have had to create a parish space where I can meet with individuals and couples. This is not ideal but it serves a purpose – I just need to remember to tell people to wear lots of warm clothing!