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Green shoots in the Bishop's Garden

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St Davids news

Combating climate change: the Bishop's Challenge

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St Davids news

What's that in your carrier bag? Undiscovered treasure!

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St Davids news

Cash boost for St. Brynach's

National Churches Trust grant aids bell tower appeal
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St Davids news

Ancient Connections: Public Art Project announced

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St Davids news

A new face at St Davids Cathedral

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St Davids news

Plant Dewi award "could not have come at a better time"

Plant Dewi wins funding support to "survive, adapt and thrive"
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St Davids news

Fighting the virus in St Davids Diocese

West Wales is at the forefront of finding new, innovative ways to tackle the Covid-19 outbreak.
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St Davids news

Food Banks need your help with Covid-19

The Trussell Trust, which runs food banks across Wales, has written an urgent letter to the Archbishop of Wales.
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