
Words on this page


Advent means ‘coming’ and is the special four-week period leading up to Christmas. It is a time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’s birth but also for his coming in glory at the end of time.


‘Bishop’ comes from the Greek word for ‘overseer’. So a bishop is a senior Christian minister authorised to have oversight for God’s people. As well as duties given to deacons and priests, bishops confirm and ordain.


‘Diocese’ refers to the geographical territory in which a bishop exercises oversight. The Church in Wales is divided into six dioceses each with its own cathedral in which is housed the cathedra (the bishop’s ‘chair’ or ‘throne’).


‘Episcopal’ refers to the role or ministry of a bishop. So an episcopal church is one in which oversight is entrusted to a bishop. Like many others, the Church in Wales is an episcopal church.


‘Eucharist’ comes from the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving’. At the Eucharist the Church remembers Jesus’ last supper where he gave bread and wine to be his body and blood, a sign of his saving love. See also Holy Communion.


‘Evangelion’ means ‘good news’. Evangelism is about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection in the hope that others may come to believe in and follow Jesus.

Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.


Prayer sustains our human relationship with God and may involve words (formal or informal) or be silent. Prayer can involve adoration (‘I love you’), confession (‘sorry’), thanksgiving and supplication (‘please’).

Home About us Diocesan Conference

Diocesan Conference

UWTSD Carmarthen [Halliwell]

Dewi's Family

The 2024 Conference took place on Saturday October 5th at the Halliwell Centre, University of Wales Trinity St David, Carmarthen SA31 3EP.

Conference papers:

Conference agenda and reports [PDF]

Summarised Accounts

2025 Budget

  • Additional Motion (Constitutional Matters)

Motion to Remove References to the 4th Archdeaconry

This Conference Notes:

  1. That the 4th Archdeaconry has ceased to exist
  2. The Archdeacon for New Christian Communities is now called the Archdeacon Missioner
  3. That it is important that the Diocesan Constitution reflects the current structures of the Diocese.

This Conference Resolves:

  1. To amend the current Diocesan Constitution to remove all references to the 4th Archdeaconry – including in areas of representation.
  2. That all references to the Archdeacon for New Christian Communities be replaced with references to the Archdeacon Missioner.
  3. To instruct the Joint Secretaries to amend the Diocesan Conference Constitution appropriately.

Proposed: The Lord Bishop

Seconded: The Archdeacon Missioner

Carried unanimously

  • Emergency Motion

Whilst the Diocese of St Davids is grateful for the support it receives from the Representative Body [of the Church in Wales] and in the light of the strength of their financial position, as evidenced in their 2023 accounts, and the ever-increasing financial pressures upon Ministry Areas and churches, the Diocese of St Davids requests that the Representative Body actively increases its financial support to the front-line ministry in each diocese in the Province.

The Diocesan Conference instructs the Diocesan Standing Committee to prepare a suitably worded motion to be presented to the Governing Body.

Proposer: Ven. Mones Farah

Seconder: Revd Matthew Webster

Carried with 5 Abstentions

Elections -Governing Body


Clerical: Revd Melanie Prince (unopposed)

Lay: Hannah Williamson


Lay: Tim Llewelyn, Nigel Evans


Clerical: Revd Robert Moore

Bishop Dorrien's Presidential Address

The 2025 conference will be held on Saturday October 4th. at Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, St Davids.