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Time to Tell: St Davids Diocese in 100 Objects

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A new book charting 1600 years of Christian worship in St Davids Diocese has been unveiled at a launch ceremony in St Davids Cathedral.Time to Tell: St Davids Diocese in 100 Objects is the final chapter of the diocesan Year of Pilgrimage and has been compiled and published by Revd. Dr. Caroline Jones.The items embrace a huge variety of items ranging from pre-historic standing stones to 21st-century sculpture, items to be found in churches and churchyards across the whole diocese."This book is both a legacy and a guidebook," Dr Jones says. "It is a universal invitation to come and share these things...the churches connected to each object are saturated by centuries of faith, and peace."The 100 objects form a kind of regional galley of God and his people. It's a broad sweep of time that has netted a mere fraction of [our] extant treasures."Browse our video gallery

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