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Celebrating Welsh Churches

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The National Church Awards – the ‘BAFTAs for churches’ – are back. Nominations have officially opened, with churches across the UK now able to enter for awards in architecture, volunteering, tourism and so much more.Churches have an amazing story to tell – from their beautiful buildings to the dedicated volunteers who keep them open and serving local people – but they need help. With the future of many churches uncertain and under threat, there has never been a more important time to celebrate the UK’s churches and their importance to communities.Nominations will close on July 23, 2023, with judging then taking place by church and heritage experts. The awards ceremony will take place on Monday 6 November at the fabulous Mercer’s Hall, London. Welsh churches were celebrated throughout the categories of last year’s awards. St Deiniol & St Marcella in Marchwiel, Wrexham, took home an award for the maintenance work carried out to their building, St Saeran in Llanynys, Denbighshire, for their tourism and The Outpost at St Paul's, Rhosesmor in Flintshire for volunteering. All are shining examples of churches being open and welcoming and making a significant difference in their local communities.Claire Walker, Chief Executive of the National Churches Trust, said:“Churches are the beating hearts of communities. They contribute £55 billion of economic and social good each year, bringing communities together to help them to thrive. We are excited to host an awards ceremony that showcases their importance, as well as the many other wonderful ways they contribute to society.”“This is a great opportunity for people across the UK to join with us in celebrating local churches and their buildings.”Churches can easily nominate themselves for an award by going to:

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