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Grants for clergy families

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Clergy Support Trust Anglican clergy and their families in times of need. In financial difficulty or struggling with clergy life; the. Clergy Support Trust provides support to Anglican clergy (including ordinands and retired) and their families in the UK & Ireland.There's an eligibility checker on the website to see if you qualify and explore the grants: debt support, emergency, health, financial support and wellbeing.Christians against Poverty Against Poverty is a national debt counselling charity, with a network of 36 local centres offering debt counselling, practical services and financial education.The Buttle Trust - Chances for Children grants—for an item or service which is critical to the well being of a child.School fees grants—to help meet the costs of schooling for children with acute needs that cannot in practice be met the stateGrants for students and trainees—this scheme is currently under review.Lawrence Atwell’s Charity Charity assists young people who come from a low-income background to become qualified or equipped to work in their chosen vocational career.Elizabeth Finn Fund Elizabeth Finn Trust relieves need and distress among British and Irish people, and members of their immediate family, from a wide range of occupations and backgrounds. No account is taken of religious denomination, political opinion, age or place of residence. Need and distress may encompass difficulties associated with old age, infirmity, disability, social isolation or financial need.People helped fall into two groups: those who live at home and have capital worth no more than £16,000, excluding the value of their property, and those who need help with fees for a residential or nursing care home and have capital worth no more than £12,250.Newton’s TrustEmail newtonslichfield@gmail.comNewton’s Trust is established to provide financial assistance to the widows, widowers, separated or divorced spouses and unmarried children of deceased clergy of the Church of England, the Church in Wales and the Scottish Episcopal Church. You should use the contact email above for further information.Society of Mary and Martha charity’s primary objective is to support people in Christian ministry and/or their spouses, especially at times of stress, crisis, burnout or breakdown. This national, specialist work is set within a broadly based retreat and education framework.

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