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Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.


Liturgy is a set form of words and action used for worship. In the Church in Wales (and many other churches) these forms follow the same pattern from one congregation to another. Most Anglican liturgies look back in some way to the Book of Common Prayer.

Home Pobl Dewi: September 2024 Laid-back learning

Laid-back learning

Burry Port St Marks Ext

Over the last few years, the main Sunday service at St Mary’s, Burry Port, has been bilingual but first-language Welsh speakers missed having a Welsh communion service. Enfys Tanner has the solution.

Our vicar, Lorna Bradley, who is learning Welsh, came up with the idea of having a Welsh learners’ service once a month.

There are mixed abilities in our congregations with many who know some Welsh lacking the confidence to speak the language.

Following this discussion I began simplifying the existing Welsh communion service. My aim was to keep the language as simple as possible whilst not losing the meaning of the liturgy and, as far as possible, to not use words of more than two syllables. This wasn’t always possible but I did my best. I wanted to make it as easy as it could be to read and pronounce.

My other aim was to make the text easier to understand for those learning the language. The services have been successful. I try to get everyone to slow down, even the fluent Welsh speakers, so that we all have a chance to savour the language and consider the meaning and the message.

It is a very easy, laid-back service with singing and some laughter! I suppose it could be seen as a stepping stone towards reading and understanding the more traditional Welsh communion service.

If anyone is interested in obtaining a digital copy of the service, please contact me on 07812177896 or email daitanner@icloud.com