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‘Deacon’ comes the Greek word for ‘servant’. Deacons in the Church in Wales have special roles within worship such as proclaiming the gospel. Traditionally, deacons have had responsibility for social care. Deacons often go on to be ordained priest.

Home Pobl Dewi: September 2024 Finding the right path

Finding the right path

Sally Williams

New Deacon Sally Williams describes the importance of the Fellowship of Vocation in her journey to ordination

As those who feel called to serve - in whatever way - know, the journey is sometimes steep and often confusing. But for the past 10 years the Fellowship of Vocation has been a prayerful support, a strengthening companion and a friendly encourager for many who have travelled that road and continue to journey towards their calling.

Its aim is not just to guide people into the ordained ministry but to be a place where those who feel God’s call on their life can find help, a place where they can talk through their feelings and express what it is they feel God might be calling them to in the company of like-minded people and chaplains who have walked the path before them. Some members are in the FOV a few months, some come in and out a few times and some stay longer; but each person’s journey is valued, unique and important.

When I joined the FOV 10 years ago, I was fairly sure I was called to ministry of some kind, but just what that might look like was unclear. For me and for many, the journey has led to ordination but being part of the fellowship enabled me to navigate the twists and turns of the pathway and learn to understand that the journey is as important as the destination – and sometimes more important as you need to be on the right road to get to the right place!

When you join the FOV you are assigned a chaplaincy group who meet to share food, to listen to each other, and to pray for each other.

During my time in the FOV I have made some wonderful friends who I have had the privilege to journey with; we have laughed and cried together, there have been high points and lows, but through it all, by talking through the issues and obstacles with a group of wonderful travel companions, I have come to where I am now as an NSM(L) deacon serving in Daugleddau LMA.

Now that I’m a deacon, I have left the Fellowship but it will always have a very special place in my heart and I would encourage you, if you feel that God might be nudging you, to do something (and it could be something you might consider small). Speak to your local clergy; they will pray with and for you and put you in touch with Revd Sophie Whitmarsh who heads up the Fellowship and co-ordinates the groups.