Spiritual Insight and Scripture
![Mostly What God Does [book cover].jpg](https://stdavids.contentfiles.net/media/images/Mostly_What_God_Does_book_cover.width-500.jpg)
Title: Mostly What God Does
Author: Savannah Guthrie
Publisher: Thomas Nelson, 2024
ISBN: 978-1400341122
Price: Various
In her first book, Emmy and Edward R. Murrow award recipient Savannah Guthrie shares reflections on faith and life and offers inspiration for all of us to do what God does - love.
It’s unusual for a front-line journalist/lawyer like Savannah Guthrie to write a personal and spiritually revealing book like this. It is full of pointed insights and personal stories combined with Scripture. The short chapters are divided into six sections: Love, Presence, Praise, Grace, Hope and Purpose.
Here’s an example: “I once heard a pastor say God is like a radio station that is always on, always transmitting. Whether we tune in is up to us. Whether we turn up the volume or leave it as background noise - again, our choice. God is here, and his speaking to us does not depend on our speaking to him. He doesn’t wait to come until he is called. We don’t summon him with our pious practices and diligent spiritual routines. They help us tune in. They open the window through which his light is ready to shine. But he is present to us, whether or not we are present to him.”
This really is a lovely book. I thoroughly enjoyed it! More than I expected to. She does a phenomenal job of combining her own faith journey, her personal stories, and deep spiritual truths into this combination of spiritual memoir and motivational book.
Thought-provoking, insightful, humorous and down-to-earth, it is a book that, after you have read it, you will likely want to read again. And if you are like me, you will also want to buy a copy for your best friend. Ms. Guthrie offers some very insightful suggestions for ways we can improve our relationship with the Lord.
Anyone who reads this book cannot help but end up having a huge respect for and admiration of Ms. Guthrie. I should also mention that she has a very well-developed sense of humour.
Keep your highlighter handy as you read this book, I highly recommend it.
Revd Shirley Murphy