Much to celebrate
2025 is a year of anniversaries in St Davids Cathedral, as Mari James, Cathedral Library Development Officer, explains
Over our 1500 years there is always an anniversary in our Cathedral every year. But 2025 sees a wealth of them, and one special “first”.
![Apel Heddwch Peace Appeal 1925 cover [CathLib]](
In 1925 there was a series of peace appeals across Wales, including a Peace Appeal / Apel Heddwch from “leaders of religious bodies in Wales to the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America.” The first signature of the 22 was from the Bishop of St Davids, the Rt Rev John Owen. Bishop Owen was President of the Welsh National Council of the League of Nations. The beautifully crafted original, Gregynog-designed letter, will be on display in the Cathedral during June 2025.

Another of Bishop John Owen’s ecumenical peace initiatives resulted in a historic visit to St Davids Cathedral in 1925, 100 years ago, by a group of Orthodox Patriarchs. This was partly a celebration of the Council of Nicaea which met in 325. We will mark Bishop Owen’s 1600th anniversary celebration of Nicaea by commemorating 1700 years since that important meeting which produced the Nicaean creed, still used in services today. A special service will be held in the Cathedral at the end of September with a display of photographs of the 1925 visit.
We will also mark 150 years since the death in 1875 of Bishop Connop Thirlwall. The author of an eight- volume History of Greece (available in the Cathedral Library), he also oversaw the substantial restoration of the Cathedral after the dilapidation of the Reformation and “Great Rebellion”. There will be a session on the life and work of Connop Thirlwall during Libraries Week in October.
The “first” that we will mark this year is to host a conference of the Cathedrals Archives, Libraries and Collections Association (CALCA). This covers Cathedrals across Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland. We will be welcoming participants from all of them to Tyddewi! The conference takes place from Tuesday June 17th to Thursday 19th. Non-CALCA members from across our diocese are welcome to join sessions on early Bibles in Welsh; an early Bible in Irish; Gerald of Wales; medieval and later croziers and much more. Please email to for information.