Let the train take the strain
Jeremy Martineau explains why to do so is good – and getting easier - for everyone

Get out of your car! Walk, cycle, use public transport. If this is what sustainability involves then it applies to residents and visitors alike in our corner of Wales. The footpath network in the diocese has developed wonderfully over the centuries, from days when walking was the only option for those without the asset of a horse. Now, national cycle routes zigzag across the region and many holiday makers bring their bikes with them, either on their car or, increasingly, on the train. A survey of visitors in Fishguard in 2019 showed that 8% of them had come by train. The poor performance of the train service in recent years will deter visitors who want to come here on sustainable transport, of which train travel is the most efficient. New trains and a fuller timetable will restore confidence in train travel.
Holidaying in our beautiful rural areas is good for the soul. Walking or cycling is good for the body too. The new trains are designed to be able to carry more bicycles.
The historic pilgrimage routes are being re-established and ancient churches are becoming places to stay as well as making a short visit.
A new publication South West Wales without a Car is hot off the press and available free via https://www.southwestwales.co/ where it can also be viewed digitally.
Sustainability is about more than transport – it runs through the whole character of a community, involving its food and its vibrant organisations. Being on the edge, where the sea was once the highway for all communications, our communities know how to sustain themselves and resist the extracting power of large corporations and supermarkets. The Fishguard Food Festival 2024 will have sustainability at the heart of its message to producers, growers, and customers.
Accommodation providers will be asked to promote train travel by their guests. Joint ticketing for travel, events and overnight stays are being discussed to make our region, which is largely the same area as the Diocese, a sustainable hotspot.