How to ask Why…and Where

The year of Salt and Light continues, looking at the area of Racial Justice, as Social Responsibility Officer Justin Arnott reports
While it is good to ask “Why?” what is not helpful is to accept the simple answer “Because Jesus says so.”
In the case of Racial Justice we explored Jesus’ encounter with the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7:24-29 where his initial treatment of her was less than complimentary. This and other bible passages require us to think rather than simply quote scripture, or respond “Because Jesus says so”’
Exploring the topic further we realise that Racial Justice is not just about the colour of a person’s skin, nor is it simply righting a wrong that has been committed.
Of course the Year of Salt and Light is not just about what is on the Diocesan website, but also in events being arranged around the Diocese.
On Ascension Day, school children once again descended on the Cathedral for a day of activities and worship. A big part was participation in God and the Big Bang which included examples using salt and light to convey, not just the Christian message, but also that science and even being a scientist does not disqualify faith. Various activities included making lanterns reflecting that Jesus is the light of the world and upcycling material into something sacred to show how something that might be considered worthless can still be valuable in God’s eyes.
Looking further ahead, Plant Dewi is arranging events for the summertime, when the need for their services increases as children might be on holiday, but parenting is a full-time calling!
Yet all of this dwarfs into insignificance compared to the impact that you can have just where you are. How are you being Salt and Light where you are? Please send in any stories you might have.