The Gospel of Communication
![101 Ways [book cover]](
Title: 100 Ways to get your Church Noticed
Author: Neil Pugmire
Publisher: Church House Publishing 2024
ISBN: 978 1 78140 474 4
Price: £18.99
I was delighted to be asked to review this newly updated [third] edition of Neil Pugmire’s excellent guide to help churches raise their profiles.
I had read and admired his first edition in 2006 and, working as a college lecturer in business management and marketing, I appreciated his clear, jargon-free text and coverage of practical and low cost ideas. This new edition takes into account the technical developments in the digital environment, live streaming, etc, that was accelerated by the Covid lockdown.
Around us, in our fast-moving, visual world surrounded by screens with myriad organisations constantly fighting loudly and repeatedly for our attention, the question of how we ensure our churches are noticed has become vitally important. Journalist and Director of Communications for the Diocese of Portsmouth, Neil Pugmire brings together 100 ideas, ranging from developing an online presence, improving your posters and holding events for the local community. He begins with Jesus’ ministry, explaining how Christ knew his message, knew his audience and how he used stories and images to communicate effectively. Let’s face it, any commercial organisation would be over the moon if its brand recognition was still going strong after 2,000 years!
His text offers advice on how a church can develop its communications strategy – from its website and social media to leaflets, the outside noticeboards and how to get coverage in the local press. The book also reviews what was learned from the Covid-19 national lockdowns, including the importance of livestreaming, community WhatsApp groups, mobile phones and social media as ways of bringing people together in a virtual space.
Sections include - Developing an effective communications strategy · Deciding the messages you want to convey · Creating or updating your website · Making the most of print, social media and online channels of communication · Putting your building to work, inside and out · Giving your publications a makeover Displays Services· Liaising with the media and more.
He has included lots of examples that have worked successfully. Usefully, further support is available on the companion website where people are sharing ideas,
The 218 tightly-packed pages can seem daunting – there is so much useful stuff in there but even if you tried one idea that you could attempt, it will lead you to try more. A Church Times review said: “This book is stuffed with so many good ideas and so much common sense that if you’re not already doing many of the things he suggests, you’ll wonder why on earth not.” I couldn’t put it any better. Highly recommended!