Filling a void in Cancer care

Angor Cymru started as a community group when a group of professionals and patients recognised the void that people experience following a diagnosis of cancer or a life-limiting illness. Trustee Anita Huws explains what they do and how.
The needs of individuals and their loved ones change over the course of a diagnosis and it is this landscape that Angor hopes to fill. With developments in cancer management, people with advanced disease join those with chronic life-limiting conditions. In Wales, over twenty per cent of adults are identified as having a chronic illness.
Board members
Charity registration was obtained in May 2022. There are 11 Trustees; details can be viewed
on The board has experience in the health sector, human resources, social
work, legal services, patient advocacy and the third sector. Each board member is committed
to providing evidence-based, client-led support and services that aim to help an individual and their loved ones move forward in life. The project is actively evolving programmes that
respond to the needs of the user groups.
Current Activities
Angor currently has an office base in The Cabin, Parc House, Kidwelly. However, the signposting, support and access to activities is available throughout Carmarthenshire as volunteers use pop-up venues to host events through the county. We aim to have regular monthly activities at sites through the whole of Carmarthenshire, as well as providing access to support online with web-based signposting available to people that prefer remote access.
All activities are free of charge. Services that are available include mindfulness, relaxation
techniques, reading and art groups, Tai Chi (seated and standing), legal and financial advice,
hair care, yoga, makeup advice during and after chemotherapy and music therapy. We work
closely with support groups and other charities. We facilitate nurse-led patient support groups, offering refreshments and use of our office space.
If you would like more details or would consider volunteering for Angor, we can be contacted on; via our social media page angorcymru on Facebook and Instagram; or telephone 07380 125 690.