A promising day

For the first time, Holy Trinity Church, Aberystwyth, took a stand at the University’s Wellbeing, Community and Support Fair for students arriving to start the new term. Tessa Briggs and the team found it a rewarding experience
One of our students, Ewan Lawry, had made initial contact with the Students’ Union about taking part. We were encouraged to go along and on arrival were efficiently and cheerfully shown where to set up our display.
The number of students who came to the stand increased as the day wore on but was not that great at any one time. Accordingly, we took the opportunity to network with groups such as Hywel Dda Community Development Outreach Team (services include support, health and wellbeing), the Samaritans, West Wales Domestic Abuse Service and others, who all had stands.
Interestingly, we have already discovered that some of these contacts will have wider support implications for our whole community. These include the Methodist Chaplain to the university who, unbeknown to us, has already been in post for two years. Follow-up discussions are planned
Some students came along to chat to us having heard about Holy Trinity Church and wanting to know more, others came simply to enquire. We were at pains to say that we are not a counselling service but, rather, offer friendship and support.
We made it clear that all are welcome to join our students’ group (chat, Bible Study and food) and to come along to any of our services, which include an all-age get-together for refreshments every Sunday after our main services. We have found the latter to be invaluable in promoting friendship and offering support, especially to students who may find that they are in need of company on Sundays. All-age really does work for everyone!
We had had welcome postcards made [pictured]* which included a few details about us and which we handed out - these generated quite a bit of interest. Posters enhanced the visual display, along with our own church newsletter and copies of Pobl Dewi: all designed to show that we are part of a larger whole. We also, of course, had a bowl of sweets on the table.
Time will tell if we have encouraged students, particularly freshers, to come along to Holy Trinity but we are very pleased we had the opportunities which the day provided.
For more information about Holy Trinity, or to contact us, visit our Facebook pages: HolyTrinityAber