Financial stewardship
Online Gift Aid (gift aid direct)

The Church in Wales has introduced a new system for online Gift Aid donations as of March 2020.
There are four forms that enable you to:
- set up a new commitment to your nominated parish
- amend an existing commitment
- add a new commitment from an existing, active donor
- cancel a commitment.
Useful links
- Sample sermons on Stewardship, and ideas for linking stewardship themes with the Common Worship lectionary.
- Sample letters and templates for use to thank donors
- Some thoughts on annual renewal models, sample letters, pledge cards and standing order forms
- A downloadable copy of Encouraging a Parish in Giving
- Sample leaflets for use in encouraging legacy giving
- An outline for use with a PCC in determining a policy for legacy giving.
- A link to an online ordering facility for legacy leaflets.
Giving in grace is a complete on-line resource for running a stewardship initiative. Full programme and support resources are provided, along with sermon notes, meeting guidelines, downloadable letters etc.