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Holy Communion

At Holy Communion blessed bread and wine is shared, by which we receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The congregation gives thanks for Jesus’ life, his death and resurrection and his continuing presence. See also Eucharist.

Home Pobl Dewi: December 2023 Diary of a retired Parson

Diary of a retired Parson

Pennsylvania Autumn [Diary of retired Priest]

Seasonal ramblings with Christopher Lewis-Jenkins.

I'm sitting here wondering whether to take the dog for a walk. No, not my dog but my daughter’s dog who lives in Pennsylvania in the United States.

My wife and I are here until January. We spent last Christmas with my son in North Cornelly, just outside Porthcawl so it's our American family's turn. What a joy to watch the famous Fall (the American term for autumn) colors (the American spelling) of the trees. Beautiful reds, oranges, yellows and greens – they are spectacular.

Hallowe’en is fast approaching, not the horrible Hallowe’en that takes place in the UK but a time for fun. Costumes of every conceivable animal or person and very few witches and ghosts and ghouls about. I'm apparently going as Dumbledore from the Harry Potter films.

Then we quickly go into Thanksgiving, which is the BIG holiday of the year where everyone tries to get home to be with the family, sometimes travelling thousands of miles. There is, of course, some controversy with the Native Americans, who don't see any reason to celebrate. Next we have Christmas and New year, which for a lot of Americans is just one day and then back to the grind-stone.

Yesterday I went for a bike ride around the lake in the middle of the housing estate where my daughter lives, enjoying it but also feeling every one of my seventy three years! What does it say in Matthew 26 verse 41? The spirit is willing, but the body is weak! Included throughout these dates we as a family also celebrate four birthdays. I'm personally looking forward to the snow where we normally have around three to four feet, so lots of snow fights and sledging with kids.

Can I wish you all a Holy and blessed Christmastide, and a happy New Year.