Home Pobl Dewi: December 2023 A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians

A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians

A-Z of Mindfulness [book cover]

Author: David Harper


Publisher – Circle Books 2023

Price: £15.99 (RRP)

Christians and many faith-based counsellors use mindfulness in a Christ-integrated way as a therapy tool. They believe mindfulness can be compatible with a biblical worldview — as long as it’s rooted in Scripture and focuses on connecting with God.

Studies show that mindfulness benefits not only people with depression, anxiety, and pain; it also benefits those who do not live with such conditions but who would like nonetheless to have greater well-being in their lives.

Drawing from personal experience and the experience of others, David Harper shows how mindfulness can make a positive impact on well-being and therefore on faith and spirituality, while countering some of the myths about mindfulness.

Divided into 52 themes and spanning the alphabet, the book A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians explores aspects of mindfulness and how they relate to being a Christian.

The A - Z takes you through a variety of topics exploring the connections between Christianity and Mindfulness, but not just to satisfy curiosity. It is a book designed to help people in their life and spiritual journey. Each chapter begins with Biblical and other quotations and ends with a possible practical way of following up what has been covered.

The book can be read from cover to cover, or people can just dip into the topics they are interested in. Being designed this way does mean there is some repetition and ground covered more than once, but that does help the lessons sink in.

Occasionally I didn't think the Bible verses quite meant what the chapter was teaching, but that was rare, and this is a very valuable practical book that shows how paying attention to the 'now', to what other people are saying, to what is going on all around us can really help our spiritual journey.

Mindfulness is scientifically proven to reduce stress. If you think you can't practice mindfulness because you are too busy, this is a great book for you.

Shirley Murphy